Deerfield 1704 – paintings by Jim Murphy

Artist Statement: This series of paintings "Deerfield 1704" deals with conflict in the Pocumtuck Valley. A tangle of alliances, ambitions and opportunities perhaps made the events of February 1704 nearly inevitable. I am grateful to Tilton Library for offering to show my paintings. - Jim Murphy

Art at Tilton – Steve Upton Photographs “Profiles in Nature”

From the savannas of Kenya and the "Great Migration", jaguar in Brazil, polar bear in the Arctic Circle, to walking amongst grizzlies in Alaska, Steve Upton has photographed wildlife non-stop. Somewhere along that journey, photography stopped being about camera settings and gadgets and evolved into a form of story telling. In essence, (says Upton) mission shifted from a pursuit of technical expertise to one of capturing the world's most awesome and beautiful creatures in their environments and bringing their stories home. Maintaining habitats is the only way populations can escape extinction but his comes in direct contrast with the development pressures of an ever expanding world. "Hopefully, my photography can stimulate conversations about the value of co-existence and just how to accomplish this noble cause." --from artist statement

Art at Tilton – Compass Rose Project

A compass rose if a circle showing the cardinal directions indicated on a map. Deerfield Elementary School fourth graders used careful measurements and compass tools to create their unique artistic designs. Displayed upstairs through June 15. Be sure to leave your comment in our comment book.

Art at Tilton – Watercolors by Kathy Lowry

Artist Statement – Kathy Lowry I derive my inspiration from nature and the beautiful area we live in. I paint primarily outdoors on location (en plein air), to spend time in nature and to observe the best light and color. A Landscape Architect by trade, I have no formal art background. I learn through occasional workshops and by painting wherever I go.

Art at Tilton


Art at Tilton

PLEXUS Acyclic Painitngs by Deborra Stewart-Pettengill

Art at Tilton

Acrylic paintings by Tess Rock.